Michael and Laureen Gamba
Agency Directors Symmetry Financial Group
Owners -Gamba Family Financial
We started our journey with Symmetry Financial Group (SFG) in March 2013. We were presented this amazing opportunity after going through our 3rd layoff in corporate America. We needed a better life for our family and realized that taking another position working 60+ hours a week was not a good fit. It was time for change, time to stop grinding every day for someone else and start working for ourselves and our family. Building our own business and setting our own hours would give us the time and financial freedom we were dreaming of. Now you may ask, "well how can I have that for me and my family?" or better yet you may say... "This sounds way too good to be true...”. And honestly those were my thoughts exactly when I got started. But reality set in... And we were helping families and making a 6 figure income in our first 12 months! So what's the catch you may ask...? There is no catch! What we do is simple... It’s not easy, but it is simple. In a nut shell we help families protect their largest asset... their ability to earn an income. And how do we do that? We help to find life insurance coverage to make sure that if one or both of the main bread winners of the family were to become sick, no longer be able to work or pass away, that the family will be financially secure! We do this with Mortgage Protection coverage, Final Expense, Life Insurance, Debt Free Life, Smart Start plans for children and Retirement Services. Partnering with SFG was the right move for our family. We have taken control of our lives and now we have the independence and financial freedom we have always wanted!